Friday, December 19, 2014

Engaging Paradox - OMA Ignite presentation, 2013

In the autumn of 2013, I gave an Ignite talk to the Ontario Museum Association conference, all about some of my favourite things: museum engagement, leadership, and entertainment.  You don't get to say much in a 5-minute timeframe, but I still managed to work in a Muppets reference. 

You can watch my exuberant presentation below.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Inaugural Post ! (adjective): marking the beginning of an institution, activity, or period of office.

This blog, this Museum Mambo, is my platform to spout off (intelligently, I hope) about museums.  I've been working in museums for twenty years and it's safe to say that I've gained a fair bit of experience, good and bad, that makes me somewhat knowledgeable on the subject.  I have many stories, some funny, some horrible, others enlightening, which I may choose to share here.  I've studied museums, too, quite a bit, and have some insights into the health and progress of the museum sector.  When I talk about museums, what goes on in them, how people respond to them, their roles in the their communities, I am doing it from a place of expertise and experience.

There are academics and museum professionals far more knowledgeable than me, but I hope that in combining my own personal experiences with professional and sector practice, this blog can serve as a repository for ideas and inspiration for other museum professionals as much as one of entertainment and education for members of the public.

I welcome questions and comments, but reserve the right to moderate them. 

And so, there you go.  Let's do the Museum Mambo !